Sant Josep de Sa Talaia
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Sant Josep de Sa Talaia

Endless beaches.

With more than 80 kilometres of coastline, San Josep is the municipality with the largest number of beaches in Ibiza, such as Playa d’en Bossa, Cala d’Hort and Cala Tarida.


Sant Josep is an exceptional territory where nature offers us the most beautiful things. It is there that we find the majestic rock of Es Vedra, 385 metres high, an extinct volcano that can be seen emerging from the sea.


Not to mention the hill of Sa Talaia, which gave its name to the municipality. A 475-metre hill, the highest point in Ibiza! Sant Josep is also the saltworks and its white sandy beach, its clear water and majestic pines. But the beach you shouldn’t miss is Sa Caleta.

One of the most prized sands in Ibiza, it is still today the witness of the passage of the Phoenicians. The site hosts the remains of stone buildings, from UNESCO World Humanitarian Heritage sites.


Sant Josep, breathtaking natural landscapes, but also a human construction that will not leave you insensitive, the village church dating back to the 18th century. A building with an eventful history, in fact the church caught fire in 1936, in the middle of the civil war. But fortunately, thanks to the donations of the faithful, it was possible to rebuild it exactly as it was. The particularity of this church: it is the only one on the island to have a sundial.


Sant Josep de Sa Talaia will charm you with any doubt, the beauty of its landscapes and its authentic cultural heritage. A worthwhile getaway.